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API Design PrincipleBETA

[ADP-131] If-Match

reviewing phase 1

Explain why not use weak Etag.


The If-Match header is a conditional request header used in HTTP to make a request conditional based on the current ETag value of a resource. It is primarily used to prevent the "lost update" problem in concurrent modifications and to ensure data integrity in PUT, PATCH, or DELETE operations.


The main purposes of the If-Match header are:

  1. To prevent simultaneous updates from overwriting each other (the "lost update" problem).
  2. To ensure that a resource hasn't been modified since it was last retrieved.
  3. To implement optimistic concurrency control in RESTful APIs.


  • Servers MUST support the If-Match header for PUT, PATCH, and DELETE operations to prevent the "lost update" problem.

  • Clients SHOULD include the If-Match header in requests that modify or delete resources to ensure data integrity.

  • Servers MUST respond with a 412 (Precondition Failed) status code if the ETag doesn't match the provided If-Match value.

  • Implementations SHOULD use strong ETags with If-Match for better precision.

  • Servers MUST include the current ETag in GET responses to allow clients to use it in subsequent conditional requests.

  • API developers SHOULD implement proper ETag generation and handling on the server side.

  • Error responses for 412 status codes SHOULD include clear error messages to help clients understand the failure reason.

  • Clients MUST NOT use weak ETags in If-Match headers, as per RFC 7232.

  • Servers SHOULD support multiple ETag values in a single If-Match header.

  • API documentation MUST clearly explain the behavior and usage of If-Match in the API's context.


The If-Match header can be used in the following ways:

  1. With a specific ETag value:

    If-Match: "123456789"
  2. With multiple ETag values:

    If-Match: "123456789", "abcdefghijk"
  3. With a wildcard value (matches any ETag):

    If-Match: *


  • If the ETag of the resource matches the value in the If-Match header, the server processes the request normally.
  • If the ETag doesn't match, the server should respond with a 412 (Precondition Failed) status code.
  • If the resource doesn't exist and the If-Match header uses a wildcard (*), the server should respond with a 412 (Precondition Failed) status code.

Best Practices

  • Always use If-Match in conjunction with ETags for PUT, PATCH, and DELETE operations to prevent lost updates.
  • Implement proper ETag generation and handling on the server side.
  • Use strong ETags instead of weak ETags with If-Match for better precision.
  • Include the current ETag in GET responses to allow clients to use it in subsequent conditional requests.
  • Handle If-Match headers properly in your API implementation to ensure data integrity.


PUT /users/123 HTTP/1.1
If-Match: "abc123"
Content-Type: application/json

  "name": "John Doe",
  "email": ""

In this example, the PUT request will only be processed if the current ETag of the resource matches "abc123".


  1. RFC 7232 Section 3.1: If-Match
  2. MDN Web Docs: If-Match
  3. RESTful API Design: Conditional Requests